Home > Wishing I would have been smarter

Wishing I would have been smarter

May 30th, 2012 at 07:41 pm

I started the job I have now a little over 4 years ago. Although I do accounting, I work in the oil & gas industry which was BOOMING 4 years ago. I didn't realize how overly good I had it back then, and I wish I would have been smarter back then. We used to get paid for 5 hours of overtime every week...we didn't have to work 5 hours extra, we just got paid for it!!!! During that boom, I should have been socking that money away or paying off debt, instead of increasing my expenses. I still love my job. We don't have that perk anymore, but it has so many others. But I wish I would have been a little wiser 4 years ago. Amazing how much you can grow in 4 years and how your priorities change.

6 Responses to “Wishing I would have been smarter”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    We could all say that about different times in our lives. Don't beat yourself up. Just do the best with what you have now, and when you are flush again, you will be in even better shape!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Agreed with ThriftoRama. In my case it was my debt accrual -- there were many decisions I made in my life that I could have made differently and stopped myself from getting into thousands of dollars more of debt that I'm paying for now. I beat myself up at the beginning of my turnaround, but I don't bother anymore. It doesn't do any good. As long as I've learned the lesson and won't make those mistakes again, I don't need to keep reliving the bad old days.

    We have plenty of time to make up for our past mistakes and get into a good place financially!

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    We go through life, we have experiences, and hopefully we learn. The real mistake is not learning. Smile
    You're making great progress, Rena! Pat yourself on the back.

  4. Monkey Mama Says:

    Definitely agreed with the others!

    Focus on that which you actually have some control over - the future. In the meantime, it's good to reflect once in a blue moon on the mistakes, so that they don't get repeated. Just don't dwell.

  5. patientsaver Says:

    There was a time i felt like i was rolling in so much cash i didn't know what to do with it. I was working in a high paying job, I rec'd two inheritances from grandparents and i also got a one-time profit from sale of a stock option, to the tune of an additional year's worth of pay. This was around 1996 to 2000.

    I did save a lot, but I could have done much better. Now I've been underemployed for 2.5 years. I would never take that kind of money for granted again.

  6. Jerry Says:

    Hang in there... and remember that you are a lot smarter now than you were then! There are a lot of people who NEVER have the insurance of learning the lessons you have, and they lead their entire lives in financial chaos. Hang on to what you know, and you will be prepared for the next financial upswing, however it occurs. Good luck to you!

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