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Archive for August, 2014

Hoping for multiple no spend days

August 26th, 2014 at 07:50 pm

Today is a no spend day. I went to the grocery store last night. DH and I are starting a diet, so I shouldn't need to buy anything. Hopefully the next couple of days will be NSDs.

Finances are not that exciting right now. My budget has been a little off. Amounts are different than what I expected. But hopefully I can even it out on Friday.

Creeping through

August 22nd, 2014 at 04:13 pm

Well, its payday. I already paid what was coming due and made credit card payments. So now I just need to creep though this next week. I don't have anything to spend anyway Frown . But at least I am chugging along.

My CC #3 is finally under $200 again. That feels nice. And I received my checking account bonus of $100. We have to pay for both dogs to be it will be about $450. I was going to use it towards that since I came up with the headstone money and we have to have the "fixing" done by the end of September. (Part of adopting a shelter dog.) I will have to go to the grocery store this coming week. But I'm hoping to keep it low.

We found the $200

August 14th, 2014 at 07:27 pm

After my checks, an Alflac check, coupon savings, and lots of change counting....we came up with the money for our portion on my brother's headstone. LAST NIGHT! Its such a relief. Not only the relief of knowing that my brother will have the headstone he deserves, but the relief of knowing we didn't take it from savings and I didn't have to reduce my debt repayments.

Thanks for all the well wishes and money saving ideas.

Wish it would

August 11th, 2014 at 06:00 pm

Just for one day...or maybe just an hour...I wish it would rain money. Paper bills, no coins, so it didn't cause more damage than its worth. Smile I'm just frustrated with money right now. Ugh.

I now only have to come up with $220. I really need to have it by this coming Friday. So far I just have the $10.00 check, an Ebates check coming for $13-$15, and I have $12.50 in bills and change in my purse at this moment. So only $35.50 of the $220 I need. I still have change to count. And I can check in the laundry room for spare change. I have a bonus coming from opening a checking account. Its $100, but I won't get it until September. And I'm not sure how quickly I can take it out?

I checked on can recycling. They only pay $0.45/ lb. And I don't think I even have a pound. I am still looking for items to sell. We don't have any extra furniture except for an antique dresser from my husband's family. And I can't sell that. I am not able to do plasma right now. Sooo...I just have to keep looking.

I am going grocery shopping tonight. Anything under budget can go towards the cause. Coupons don't fail me now.


August 8th, 2014 at 07:55 pm

$330 is what I need to come up with. I really can't take it from savings. It would completely deplete us. So I have about a week to come up with it. That should be really difficult. Frown I have a $10.00 check from the city. I have a small check coming from Ebates....maybe about $13-$15. I am going to try to cut our grocery bill and use as many coupons as possible. So that may add up to $50 all together?? Where does the other $280 come from? Not pay down my debt? I have to pay something. And even if I reduce the payments, it won't add a whole lot. Maybe an extra $70? And then I will still have to come up with that to reach my goal of paying everything off by September. We had a garage sale, so I don't have a lot of extra stuff to sell. I can count change. I can't change insurance right now. We are in a rural area, so our utilities have to be specific companies. I'm running out of ideas. I'm salary, so no overtime at work. Our only entertainment portion of the budget is $20 for eating out...and I already got rid of that for 2 weeks to help with my budget. Any thoughts?

We really need to beef up our savings/emergency fund

August 7th, 2014 at 06:41 pm

It is no secret that I have been struggling. Bad decisions have been made and money has not been saved or put towards debt. So, this all really hit home when I realized that my brother's grave has no headstone. The "responsible party" never ordered one. Unfortunately it took me a almost a year to gain the courage to go out I just found out. (He is buried next to my father, so it is a double whammy to go out there.) My sisters and I agreed to split it...but where is my portion coming from? I guess I need to start counting change and listing anything I can on craigslist to get some extra cash? But this is why we need a decent savings and/or emergency fund!