Home > We really need to beef up our savings/emergency fund

We really need to beef up our savings/emergency fund

August 7th, 2014 at 06:41 pm

It is no secret that I have been struggling. Bad decisions have been made and money has not been saved or put towards debt. So, this all really hit home when I realized that my brother's grave has no headstone. The "responsible party" never ordered one. Unfortunately it took me a almost a year to gain the courage to go out I just found out. (He is buried next to my father, so it is a double whammy to go out there.) My sisters and I agreed to split it...but where is my portion coming from? I guess I need to start counting change and listing anything I can on craigslist to get some extra cash? But this is why we need a decent savings and/or emergency fund!

7 Responses to “We really need to beef up our savings/emergency fund”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm sorry to hear that news, I'm sure that is quite upsetting when you expected it would be taken care of. Are you sure something has been ordered and it just wasn't installed? I hope it can all come to closure for you soon.

  2. rachel021406 Says:

    ccf - I did verify with the funeral home and cemetary that nothing was ordered. Its a very upsetting situation, especially with it being the year anniversary. But we will make it right.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Can you ask for help or do a fundraiser? It's so easy to raise money online these days and people are always very generous when it comes to a death. All you have to do is ask. I am sure if any loved ones with money or more means knew about this they would be willing to help. I am always seeing people asking for money on Facebook. I don't know any of the sites off the top of my head, but you know, there are sites you make a dollar goal and ask people to contribute.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    P.S. I am so sorry. Frown

  5. scottish girl Says:

    I'm so sorry. I agree with MM's idea. I see a lot of people on Facebook using the Just Giving site to raise money, I'm not sure if the same site exists in the US? I'm sure there will be someone on Facebook who knows what site to use.
    I'm working on trying to get a decent EF too.

  6. laura Says:

    Bless your heart. Nothing other to say than that.


  7. snafu Says:

    {{{Hugs}}}, It's so upsetting to visit a loved one's grave site and see something amiss. Can your sisters manage the cost with you contributing your share a bit at a time? Can we help you find a way to lower your spending to free up money for this unexpected expense?

    What are the interest rates on the 3 CCs? Can any transfer to 0% interest card? Have you had your home & vehicle insurance reviewed in the past 6 months? Do you use an insurance broker to send your insurance requirements for bid? Have you examined your bank charges? The banks have added so many fees for items that had been part of the service. Do you meal plan to use items at hand to avoid expiry and lower food costs when prices are zooming? Are there features of your phone plan that you don't use, don't need and can be cut to reduce costs? Are there any services that can be discontinued for the short term? What did your raise net? Where did you target that sum?

    I know the examples offered are teeny but it's been my experience that by staying focussed on reducing costs you can turn the problem into a major success. The SA forum runs a thread of frugal ideas and there are lots of online suggestions. If you can stand the idea of loss of privacy, you could rent a room to a student for a quick cash inflow.

    Sending positive vibes and feel confident that you can turn this bad patch around

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