Home > Somewhat defeated and deflated

Somewhat defeated and deflated

September 11th, 2014 at 08:24 pm

Sometimes I feel like we are really coasting along. And some days I just feel lost and deflated. I guess that is where I am at today. Sadly, I think my debt payoff will be pushed on until next month. Even then it will be close. I am still looking for extra money, but its hard. I don't know if I can do another PT job. I already work FT and I do work for our own business, so I would consider that my part time job. But I just don't feel like we can get ahead. And the lighting/electronic wipeout has not helped. I would still love to do personal chef work, but I can't spend the money to test recipes. Maybe I can do a little at a time, but that isn't an easy money maker. Maybe I just need to Suck it Up and work another 15 hours a week somewhere? 40 hours FT/ 10 hours PT - our business/ 15 hours PT somewhere. 65 hour workweek. Is it worth it? Some weeks it would be 70 - 75. Depending on my FT job.

And my husband is in a funk too. He works a lot. Its been hot and he can't enjoy the outdoors or work in his garage. Having employees is hard on him sometimes....having to be in charge and having people take advantage of him. And this electronic thing is a real bummer for him. I feel like we need a break, or a vacation, or something. But no money or time right now.

Ok I'm done. I can't ride this pity train any longer....jeez. But surely yall can see my frustration. (Even if I am the root of the problem.)

10 Responses to “Somewhat defeated and deflated”

  1. laura Says:

    Recognizing where you are psychologically and financially can be frustrating. I spent a lot of time wasted worrying about "what if" situations. Maybe try to go and do something locally this weekend - if you can - and enjoy the weather.

    Take care of yourself. You've got debt. Plenty of people do. Try to enjoy yourself. (hugs)

  2. snafu Says:

    We've just come through a ghastly snow storm...who does that shortly after Labour Day holiday? The trees have crumbled like paper mache crushing cars, smashing into housing, blocking roads, clean up will cost us all via many outlets like taxes, condo fee special assessment, increased car & house insurance etc.

    My very best problem solver is to go for a brisk walk but it's icy, sidewalks are blocked, the dog gets ice balls between his pads and the salt spread to melt snow sting him. I needed some good endomorphs so the condo has been cleaned like spring, walls vacuumed, baseboards washed, mirrors steamed etc.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    ((Hugs)) It does feel hard at times! There is no denying that.

    Does your part time business bring in good money? Is it costing you more than you earn? Some businesses, and often many small businesses don't make money. If it is making money, great! If not, is there anything you can turn it around, or the really hard question, is it time to be done being in business?

    Try to find a way to celebrate where you are even if it is in the same place. Staying the same or moving forward is better than moving backwards. You won't regret moving forward, but you will regret not doing anything.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Sometimes for me just a little something helps--maybe a clean house, a movie, light some candles, a take-out pizza. And sometimes just tomorrow is better.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    It looks like your debt is very low and manageable. If you can't pay if off this month, then next month! Maybe you've tightened your belt all you can, but finding places to cut would be much better than taking on more work. It sounds like your plate is full. I agree with the others -- just find something fun to do to lift your spirits. Even an old movie on TV will cheer me up.

  6. scottish girl Says:

    I agree don't take on more work right now. Take it easy and find something relaxing to do. Your debt will get paid off soon.

  7. Kiki Says:

    Is your business paying you for the work that you are doing or are you "volunteering" for your business. If you are not paying yourself for the time worked then I vote get another PT job that will pay you.

    Volunteering for yourself is not a healthy situation to be in. It means the business is not doing well enough.

  8. rachel021406 Says:

    Just to update. I do not take paycheck for what I do. The business is able to pay me, but until lately I didn't see the point. I considered it my contribution. Husband and other employees all get paychecks. It was just my choice. Although, we did decide to start paying me. We are not starting until January though.

  9. Aastha Says:

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  10. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm glad you are going to pay yourself! You deserve it and if the business can afford then you should get paid. Why not start now?

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