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Did some spending

August 30th, 2011 at 04:26 pm

Well....I spent some money... and I took it from Savings. $75.00. But although it wasn't necessary, it was nice to do some bargain hunting and I got some great ingredients to do some cooking. I also went out to eat with friends this weekend, but I had some "entertainment" cash budgeted in.

Can't do that kind of stuff all the time, but at least it didn't go on the credit card!

Insulted....or maybe just hurt

August 24th, 2011 at 08:19 pm

Well...someone decided to post on my blog that I post about nothing useful. Wow....

My blog entries may not be the most interesting to everyone, but its useful to me. It keeps me accountable and helps keep me on track. And we are all on here to learn and better ourselves. So why did you waste your time commenting?

So I am slightly insulted. Because I don't think its that bad. And more so, it kind of hurt my feelings. I'm just trying to gain financial freedom.

A month with no CC charges

August 19th, 2011 at 05:32 pm

I have gone 30 days with no credit card charges. I looked at my statements and realized I was using my cards for NONSENSE! I charged 5.34 to a fast food place one day! What was I thinking??? The answer is....I wasn't. Maybe now my payments should make more of a difference. What an eye opener.


August 16th, 2011 at 05:59 pm

I updated my numbers today. Ugh....not sure what to say about it. Taking money from savings is not an option but I need to find a way to make more of a difference. Maybe after I make my payments for the month I will feel better. But I guess there are worse things to be disappointed about. I could be like other people that choose to do nothing about their debt or don't even acknowledge that they have any.

Started my day with the Dr.

August 7th, 2011 at 02:42 am

I woke up this morning to my mouth being swollen....caused by an abscess on my gum. Needless to say I had to go to the Dr. Actually I had to go to the urgent care clinic since its a Saturday. $50.00 to see the Dr, $31.00 in prescriptions and Listerine, and $15.00 in soft foods. An expensive day, but better than the infection spreading. Stayed home all day today, mainly because the antibiotic is horrible on my stomach. And I'm staying home all day tomorrow. Ugh...happy weekend.

Where is the true money advice?

August 2nd, 2011 at 02:54 pm

I look at sites like Yahoo and wonder how it is true money/finance help. It seems like it is always for people who make 6 digits! I want advice on saving and making extra money for those of us that don't make 150K a year or that don't spend $500 a month on clothes. I don't buy coffee I can't save $32.00 a month buy cutting out 2 days a week. At least I have these blogs to inspire me. Smile

Update :)

August 1st, 2011 at 07:50 pm

On a positive note....Florida was amazing. We had such a good time just hanging out and spent a day at the beach with just ourselves some new friends and a cooler of drinks. I didn't go over budget at all. Smile

This week brought on a new budgeting dilemma. Celebrating my step daughter's birthday early. Because of my husband's travel and her starting school we had to throw together a family party and buy gifts earlier than I was planning. I spent $50.00 more than I should have, but we were able to have presents, go to dinner, and provide a little family party with desserts at my house. So not too bad.

My debt numbers have gone up for one of my is the devil! I had an unexpected birthday gift. I fall into the trap. I should have taken the money from savings....but I just can't bring myself to do it. I think its time for the cards to leave my wallet.

CC1 - $798.26 --- $736.22
CC2 - $595.13 --- $567.58
CC3 - $288.65 --- $248.69 YIKES!!!
Student Loan - $4113.59 --- $3918.09


Savings $1500.00 --- $7200.00
Retirement $116.00 --- $469.00

Florida Bound

July 20th, 2011 at 06:06 pm

I leave for Florida tomorrow! I decided to use grocery money and the little bit of cash that was already available in my budget. Even if I just get to sit on a beach all day with my husband....I'll be happy.

Hopefully I will come back from my mini vacation refreshed and revived and ready to take on the world...and my finances. Smile

Trip is free...but need spending money

July 15th, 2011 at 02:15 pm

Well...I'm going to Florida. My husband's work is paying for the flight and the hotel so that part is free. But we will have to pay for food and entertainment. I don't want to take any from savings and I didn't "plan" for this trip so there is no money in the budget for it. So I have to figure out where to take it from. Its basically 3 1/2 days. So here are my options:

1) Use half of my grocery money and just plan on eating at the house a lot when I get back. (Plus use the cash I will have)

2) Don't transfer any new money to savings and use what I was going to put in.

3) Or just try to use the little cash I have in my budget and make it work (but it will be slim)

Not sure what to do.

I did it!!!

July 11th, 2011 at 07:58 pm

2 No Spend Days!! So proud of myself. It was super hard...especially being a weekend. But I did it. And I am over being sick too, which is fabulous!

Going to try it again tomorrow. Smile

No spend weekend

July 8th, 2011 at 04:48 pm

My goal is to have 2 no spend days....Saturday and Sunday. I have groceries at home, plus I'm not feeling great so I need to just stay home anyway. I really hope I can do it! I think it would be a good boost for me.

Happy Weekend!

Treading Water

June 29th, 2011 at 08:06 pm

I feel like I am treading water. Seems like I have had to spend more money than usual and I am not making the progress I want.

On a high note, I am catering an event Saturday so I am hoping to make a little money off of that. And I got a raise! So my plan is to act like I didn't get one and just use the extra for debt repayment and savings.

But just to stay are my numbers. Not much headway.

CC1 $798.26 --- $749.91
CC2 $595.13 --- $563.29
CC3 $288.65 --- $171.26
Student Loan $4113.59 --- $3969.01

Current Savings $1500.00 --- $5800.00
Retirement $116.00 --- $410.10

But the problem is I am still using my Credit Cards. Something comes up and I use that irresistable plastic card of doom. I need to stop. Maybe I need a spending intervention before I drown!

Money in and out....and I need some opinions

June 13th, 2011 at 07:06 pm

Well unfortunately I charged some things to my almost paid off cc. Yes...big mistake. But, it was stuff for our upcoming garage sale and an unexpected gift. Hopefully I can pay back what I charged after the garage sale.

I finally got my rebate for my tires that I bought. And instead of a prepaid Visa, they actually sent a check! Smile So I will be able to deposit that into Savings.

And the insurance adjuster finally came. My husband's truck has $2200.00 in damage and they gave us a check. It has several dings and the windshield is cracked. But my husband's thought is... YES, we have to fix the windshield, but the dings are not horrible and the truck is white so they aren't that noticeable. So he thinks we should deposit the rest into savings, whatever is left after windshield. What do you think?

Some money coming in!!!

June 2nd, 2011 at 08:52 pm

So I should be getting a $100 rebate for my tires here in a couple of days. And we did some sticker work for my company, so that will be another $975 coming in. Such a great feeling!

Trucking Along

June 1st, 2011 at 08:24 pm

I'm still on track so far. I've gotten back to where I was on my repayment. And we talked to the insurance agent. They are coming to look at my husband's truck next week and see what the damage is. Windshield is cracked but the hail damage isn't "horrible".

So here are my numbers. ORIGINAL/CURRENT

Credit Card 1: $798.26/$771.00
Credit Card 2: $595.13/ $562.91
Credit Card 3: $288.65/ $85.64
Student Loan: $4113.59/ $4019.76

Current Savings: $1500.00/ $3046.00
Retirement Plan: $116.00/$340.00

Hoping June is a good month and more progress is made. Considering I made quite a few steps backwards last month I'm pretty happy.

Its like hitting yourself with the bat as you hit a homerun

May 27th, 2011 at 03:25 pm

Was feeling EXCELLENT....
I went ahead and almost paid off all of Credit Card number 3. I have about $60.00 bucks left and I will pay that off next week. Awesome!
Brought our saving account up to over 3K. ( Yes, I know some people think I should use that money and pay off the debt, but that is not our plan for several different reasons.)
So....I'm swinging for the fences....knocking it out of the park....and BAM!

I live in DFW Texas and we were hit with some pretty bad weather. And we didn't think about it, but my husband was parked at one of the airports that got hit. Sooooo....we have to do an insurance claim on his truck. So I'm sure we will have to pay a deductible or pay for repairs or some sort of money costing something. So I feel like I hit myself with the bat as I hit that homerun. I don't know much about insurance or claims or how they work, so I don't know what to expect.

Extra cash and somewhat back on track

May 25th, 2011 at 07:35 pm

So...I have arranged to feed some animals for extra money. Miniature donkies, longhorn, and dogs. I have to do it for 4 days and I should make $200. I think I will have to pay an extra $100 in gas, but that still puts me ahead $100, plus who doesn't love spending time with miniature donkies. Smile I have stayed pretty much on budget and I think I have arranged my budget to keep me on track. And I think I might be pretty close to paying off a credit card if I can swing it. Won't that be nice?

So all and all its been a good week. My husband is coming home for a few days and my budget feels pretty good. Hope it stays like this for a little while.

New Numbers for Restart

May 20th, 2011 at 03:04 pm

I wasn't exaggerating when I said that I got off track. I used my credit cards, missed a credit card payment, my student loan payment didn't post, and I overspent. But I'm trying to recover. I am going to work a little extra this weekend to help come up with the LATE FEE I received on my credit card and to hopefully help me pay on my credit cards some more.
So here they are..... WAS/NOW

CC 1 - $773.83/$801.00
CC 2 - $580.76/$587.91
CC 3 - $269.20/$277.00

CURRENT SAVINGS - $2651.34/$2875.00
RETIREMENT PLAN - $265.75/$334.18

I know its not huge, but when I started this blog I had ZERO in a retirement plan and now I am up to $334.18. Once I get my budget set and working, I can finally up my percentage and save even more. That's my small thing for today. That actually made me feel a little proud.

Clean Slate...Cross your fingers everyone

May 13th, 2011 at 06:06 pm

First of all...thank you to everyone that commented yesterday. I felt much better after seeing that I am not alone.

Today IS a new day. So I am going to accept my "mistakes and mishaps" that I've made the last few weeks and start over today. My budget and my slate are getting a bath. Smile

I am going to look at my budget again and make some adjustments. Today is payday so I am going to stick to the budget I set. And I am going to wash the slate clean. If I beat myself up about making mistakes it may keep me from learning from them.

So today starts my DO-OVER!


May 12th, 2011 at 08:45 pm

I am very overwhelmed this month...and we aren't even half way through. I feel so motivated to do well....yet I have managed to get so far off track. I am so inspired by the wonderful people on this site...yet I feel like I don't belong.

I know it takes time to learn new habits. And I know that the decision to do better has to count for something. I just count May out and consider it a flop and start over in June?

Unexpected Expenses

May 10th, 2011 at 04:50 pm

I just got back from St unexpected trip. I had not budgeted for May any room for such things as: AA Baggage fees, multiple meals out, extra flight fees, etc. So I have all but blown my budget for the month...and its only the 10th. How do I recover? I do plan to work extra this week, so I will be paid for that next Friday. But this has gotten me way off track.

Baby steps instead of massive leaps

April 29th, 2011 at 04:57 pm

I think trying to do a no spend week was too much for me. Especially this early in my "financial journey." I think the smarter idea would be to lower the number of spend days rather than eliminate them all. Spending is obviously a stress reliever and time waster for me, which is a problem. But at least I realize it.

I've made some headway on debt payments, but not the strides that I wanted. I guess I'm still trying to line out a budget that works and allows more room for debt payments and savings. But I've learned so much in this past month from this blog. So grateful for awesome blogs and bloggers. Smile

Updates on numbers (Original---Current)

Credit Card 1: $798.26---$773.83
Credit Card 2: $595.13---$580.76
Credit Card 3: $288.65---$269.20
Student Loan: $4113.59---$4061.62

Total: $5795.63---$5685.41

Current Savings: $1500.00---$2795.09
Retirement Plan: $116.00---$283.00

Epic Fail....

April 25th, 2011 at 05:10 pm

My NO SPEND WEEK has been an epic fail so far. We did get our income tax in so I had been waiting on that to get tires. So I bought tires, and gas, and ate out, and now I have to take my dog to get shots and her nails trimmed. Hopefully I can commit to not spending the rest of the week, but I am pretty disappointed. But...I was able to put over $1000.00 in savings.

No spend week? Is it possible?

April 21st, 2011 at 05:24 pm

I've managed to cut it too close this week and I need to have a NO SPEND WEEK. I was excited about 1 day...but I don't know if I can do a whole week. I may have to put gas in my truck at some point, but besides that I shouldn't have to spend anything. I have groceries and cleaning supplies and dog food...all the essentials. But I am super worried!!!!

Shouldn't expenses be going down?

April 18th, 2011 at 06:46 pm

My husband was promoted and started his new job on 03/21/11. He now travels out of state for 9 days at a time and is home for 4-5 days. Shouldn't my bills and expenses be going down? I'm eating out less...once a week I may go out to eat with a friend or do something, but I'm only paying for 1. I'm gone all it seems like my electricity and water should be down. I even spent just as much as I normally do at the grocery store this weekend! I just feel like I should be able to save all this money and I haven't seen any extra yet. Maybe its because it really hasn't even been a month yet? I'm not sure. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things change.

And I did score an extra $25 this weekend by selling a video game I couldn't play. Maybe I should just throw it in savings?

My mom & Dave Ramsey

April 14th, 2011 at 07:39 pm

I don't really have any "updates" to my numbers so I thought I would express my concerns about my mom. My mom and her husband are going to the Financial Peace University program at their church. I've read Dave Ramsey's book, and think it had a lot of great information. But here is my concern. She started a childrens' resale booth about 6 months ago. Of course... she hasn't made a lot of profit, but its the beginning and most businesses are not super profitable the first year. I also she spends money on things that are not necessary. But she says that according to the program she should shut it down....its not successful. I just don't agree. I love the fact that she has decided to try to do something to make herself more financially secure. But I don't know if shutting down the business is the answer. I honestly don't remember what Dave Ramsey said about businesses, since I don't have one. But I'm just not sure how I feel about it.

I actually had a no spend day

April 12th, 2011 at 06:22 pm

I don't know if I have ever had this before...but I had a no spend day. Isn't that amazing? And there is nothing clearing my account. Its the small things in life. Smile

So here are the numbers...

April 11th, 2011 at 03:04 pm

Ok. I've made some progess.

Credit Card 1: $762.26
Credit Card 2: $580.76
Credit Card 3: $269.20
Student Loan: $4061.62

Total: $5673.84

Current Savings: $1717.96
Retirement Plan: $244.80

This weekend all I wanted to do was spend money. When I'm bored I want to shop. I need to find ways to cure my need for retail therapy. This weekend I was saved by the fact that I had 2 TJ Maxx gift cards from my birthday. But what will happen next month??

Made some progress

April 8th, 2011 at 02:13 pm

Well I made some small payments to each credit card last night. Plus I paid on my student loan and put over $200.00 in savings. AND we put back the money my husband took out for his travel. So I'm pretty excited. AND I started a tire fund. I'm going to have to buy at least 2 tires here pretty soon, so I thought it would be a good idea.

And my work is letting me work some overtime this weekend, so I should have some extra money next Friday.

I feel like I am making a little progress on this uphill battle.

Upside to hurt foot

April 6th, 2011 at 09:10 pm

Well, I think there is an upside to having a hurt foot. I can't shop or go spend therefore I am spending less on gas too. I'm still trying to recover from the surprise medical bills and the fact that I slightly overspent for my birthday.

Hoping to get some overtime next check and be able to put it back in savings. And I am working on the details of the personal chef work, since I can't really walk around. Smile

And a side note...I super excited about the Extreme Coupon show tonight on TLC. Although I don't see the point in buying 1000 boxes of Yokisoba noodles that will expire before you can eat them...I still find it fascinating. And on a smaller scale, their tips coud be really useful.

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