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Food Inventory

August 29th, 2012 at 04:40 pm

So last night I went through my freezer and pantry and made a list of every item I had. And although I did have some stuff in my freezer and a lot of starches in the pantry, I will still have to buy some things to make meals, plus milk and produce. But I was able to cross a lot of things off the list and reduce the amount. At least I am aware of what I have and with the meals I planned, I can clear out some of the older stock.

As I said yesterday, I grew up with the mentality that you should always have food in your pantry and freezer. Just in case. I don't have tons. I don't have a stockpile like an extreme couponer (although I am impressed by them). But I always have soups, beans, some veggies, pastas, and rice; things like that. So I'm trying this to see if I can just have less. I don't ever want to be where I have to go to the grocery store because we don't have anything I can make. Plus it take me 15-18 minutes to get to the store, so I don't want to have to make extra trips.

Groceries...being cheap or frugal

August 28th, 2012 at 08:21 pm

I made a grocery list yesterday. I have a pantry with food. And I have some food in the freezer. But my list is of all these foods that I want to make. Suddenly I am thinking....mark all of that off the list and only buy produce and milk. Am I being cheap? Or is this really the right thing to do? Maybe I should take an inventory and see what I can come up with? Maybe I could make it into a culinary challenge?

Expensive Cupcakes

August 20th, 2012 at 05:13 pm

We celebrated my brother's birthday this weekend....a very last minute celebration. I was in charge of bread and dessert, which I thought would be easy and cheap. But it wasn't. My sister doesn't eat gluten, so I had to make sure I made something GF for her. And I stopped to get cupcakes because I thought it would be easier than baking. Well I should have just baked. I didn't think they would be very expensive for a dozen, but after she boxed them all up, she told me it was $40!!!! $40 for 12 cupcakes. Ugh. So I paid for the cupcakes. And my extra $40 for the week, went to that. One of my Rx was free, so I had an extra $20 from that, that I gave to my brother as his gift. So I have no extra money for the week, but at least I didn't have to take money from something else to cover it.


August 8th, 2012 at 03:42 pm

So I am thinking about my budget. Is my current budget good enough? What can I change? Is the living on cash/jar method the way to go? I have tried to do a budget through, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I heard about today. I don't know anything about it except they want $60 for the year for the software. Are there other budgeting softwares? Should I stick with what I know?

I got a raise

August 7th, 2012 at 01:41 pm

Much to my surprise, I got a raise on Thursday and it was more than I thought I would get. I am excited to revamp my budget and see what I can do with the extra money.

I also survived the step daughter's birthday. I realize that I have a hard time budgeting when it comes to her because I want to give her everything. But she is only 18 once. At least that is my justification.

I also got an unexpected increase in our phone bill. My husband forgot to tell me that there was an upgrade fee that would be on our next bill. At least they are going to retro my raise back a few weeks, so hopefully the extra will cover it.

No Spend Days (plural)

August 1st, 2012 at 01:54 pm

I have had 2 no spend days in a row!!! I love it. But today, I have to buy my lunch. But it seems like a NSD makes you gain focus. Suddenly you don't want to spend money.

I'm also gearing up for the weekend. My step daughter is turning 18! We already have her present and I have a budgeted amount for dinner. So it should go fine. I just have to buy some decorations, which I think I will just take out of my grocery budget for the week.

Taking time to read and learn

July 31st, 2012 at 02:13 pm

Still no changes to my finances, so I was taking time to go through and read the blogs. I always learn new things and find new inspiration. Its intersting to see how people are accomplishing their goals or even resetting goals. Just love this place.

While reading, I noticed that I had not read a post from Ima Saver lately, which I thought was unusual. I always look for her posts, so it threw me off.

I'm sad - I have no changes

July 27th, 2012 at 05:53 pm

I wish I could say that I have something great to report, but there really haven't been any changes for me. I have applied for many jobs. Many have told me that I am over-qualified. But they don't understand that its an extra job for me. I have a career, I am just looking for extra money. But I'll keep searching.

I did realize that if I want to get my husband a birthday gift in October, that I need to start saving now. I am hoping to find a really good kayak on Craigslist so hopefully I don't have to go to Cabelas! My mother and sisters are going in on it too, so that should bring the cost down. I also have my Christmas budget planned out. Maybe I will get a Christmas bonus at work again this year and I could use it for something such as debt payments and savings since Christmas will be taken care of.

I also worked on my budget a little bit and found that I will have an extra paycheck in October. So "Lord Willing and the creek don't rise" I will be able to make some extra debt payments.

Not quite as planned

July 23rd, 2012 at 02:03 pm

Well, my budget didn't go exactly as planned. Our vacuum cleaner broke and we had to buy bug bombs. So since I only had $2.00 left, it had to come from the money that was going to savings. (sigh) What can you do?

And I just found out that my student loan was transfered to another company? They didn't call me or email me or anything. At least they haven't yet. But I went to make my payment and I couldn't. They did say they were not counting any payments late for July while they get everything settled.

Its going to be a busy week. Just hoping I can keep my gas use under control.

Countdown to Christmas

July 18th, 2012 at 05:05 pm

I can't believe Christmas is in about 5 months. How is this even possible?? To say that I find this a little overwhelming is an understatement. I feel like I have a lot on my financial plate right now, so adding Christmas seems extreme. But I have gone through my budget and trimmed here and there. And I am going to start putting the extra away so I have the cash to spend. Its not very much. If I can ever find a second (or technically 3rd job) then maybe I can use a little of it also. Of course, this is not starting this week, since I will only have 2 dollars. But at least I have come up with a plan. And I think everyone will get homemade shortbread cookies and jams. That should cut down on the gifts. Smile

Budget & A Low Spend Weekend

July 16th, 2012 at 08:09 pm

Well, I didn't do a whole lot this weekend since I was sick. I decided that the best thing to do was organize our closet. It took all day Saturday, and I had to buy some hangers, which only cost $3. I also filled my car up with gas for the week and we went to breakfast on Sunday because I was STARVING by then. So not too bad.

I also figured out that on Friday after I pay everything and take out my cash for the week, I will have 2 whole dollars left. The beautiful thing about this is that I think this means I have finally recovered. It even includes me putting money back in savings. I still need to work back up to some beefier credit card payments, but for right now, this is a victory.

Dust is settling

July 13th, 2012 at 03:49 pm

Well, I can't say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But at least I don't feel like the train is about to run me over. I'm going to update my numbers (as sad as they are) so I can be accountable for where I'm at. I've been on a real roller coaster, but I've decided I can only move forward.

I managed to make some small credit card payments while I am figuring out my cash flow. I have to come up with $29 that I'm short this week, but I know I can do that. And I think I have my budget on track, but it will probably take another week for it to be in full effect.

I'm sick....I think I have some sort of stomach bug. So hopefully I can use this to my advantage to stay at home over the weekend.

Never ending treadmill

July 9th, 2012 at 08:21 pm

After hitting my bump in the road a few weeks ago, I thought that I would have recovered by now. Not sure why....but I haven't. I feel stuck on a treadmill....that never stops or slows down. My finances feel completely out of whack. How is this? My slip up wasn't that bad, but somehow it has made me feel lost. I've spent money for no good reason - and I don't do that. My budget is nowhere near balanced. How did that happen? I'm losing sleep over it and lost a lot of focus. I go to sit down and look at it all, but its like my brain has been treated like a slurpee and someone sucked all the matter out. Ugh. Beyond these feelings, I have made the decision that I am going to have to get another job. I did it to pay for our wedding. I did it to help pay for our house. So I am just going to have to do it to pay for our extras (Mainly siding for our fixer upper house). How will it work? I don't know. My goal is to work 3 days at the beginning of the week so I still have time on the weekend to do the accounting and paperwork for our own business, work there if I need to, and keep up with the house. I just need the treadmill to stop.

Swagbucks? and muddling through

July 2nd, 2012 at 03:45 pm

So I joined Swagbucks. I don't know much...but I figure if I can earn any gift cards out of it, it will be worth it. I joined today and I think I have 48. Anyone that has some words of wisdom, please send them my way.
As for life, I am muddling through. I am trying to be very low key since I had some mis-steps. I am still trying to gather control back over my finances. I am still looking for ways to bring in some extra cash, which is harder than I thought. We had a garage sale before we moved, so I don't have anything to sell. I work full time and I work and do the books for our own business, so I can't really do a part time job. I guess I just need to keep looking. Debt has not gone up, but savings has gone down. I just keep imagining how good recovery will feel.

My mother & finances

June 28th, 2012 at 06:54 pm

First off, let me say that although I am writing about my mother in a somewhat negative light, I love her. And I am using this as a learning experience and to help with my own self realization.

I found out that my family members purchased the house my mother and her husband are living in. They took money from their retirement and a bonus to pay cash. My mother and her husband are financially unable to buy or finance a house. They are only charging my mother $700/ mo for a 3 bedroom house in a nice area. (Said family members also paid for more than half of a new car for my mother.) But I found out that they aren't making them pay "rent" until JANUARY 2013! Nice, right? Well their 2nd vehicle is having A/C problems, but my mom asked my husband to look at it because they didn't have money to fix it. This is before I found out that they aren't paying any bills right now. How can you be living rent & bill free but you don't have money to pay to get a car fixed. No rent for 2 months???? They should have at least 1000 bucks put away.

My goal is just to learn from this. I've said it before, but I don't want to be 60+ with no house, no reliable car, 2 bankruptcies under my belt, and no retirement. She is a good woman, but financially she is lost.

So this is where I'm at

June 25th, 2012 at 05:41 pm

Ok, last post I was a little disheartened by my lack of financial responsibility/control lately. This is where I'm at.

Was/ Now
Credit Card 1: 527.55/ 515.66
Credit Card 2: 493.94/ 508.25
Credit Card 3: 216.84/ 259.38
Student Loan: 3421.59/ 3433.27 -missed payment

Retirement: 1235.00/ 1306.00
Savings: 1900.00/ 1750.00

I had some payments scheduled while this was going on, so luckily it helped soften the blow. I put $100.00 back in savings because I need it to get back to $1900.00. But now I have to come up with my student loan payment because somehow that got missed! I cannot take the money from savings, so I may have to do some rearranging and change searching to come up with it.

I know that overall its just a change of about $60.00 on my cards and $150.00 in savings, but I feel bad that I let myself do it. Its like when your parents tell you they are "disappointed in you." I feel sad and disappointed in myself. I should have more self control. Soooo..with my tail between my legs I am dusting myself off...and hopefully moving past this.

And I'm still looking for ways to make some extra money...if anyone has any ideas. (FYI - all my free time goes to working at our new business, so I can't work a second job at the moment.)

So now what?

June 20th, 2012 at 01:43 pm

I never thought the name of my blog would be so fitting. When I say I have messed up...boy have I messed up. I used credit cards, took from savings, took from my household account, and I am so far beyond the lines of my budget. People, I messed everything up. So now what? Do I just try to start over? And how do I get the money to catch up? And further more, how could I let this happen? (Head in hands) I feel defeated.

The Coin Jar

June 15th, 2012 at 03:55 pm

So my husband and I started a coin jar a couple of years ago. Since the move, it sits proudly on our breakfast bar....glowing from the shades of silver and copper. I love this jar. Although we take from it sometimes for special laundry mat trips or money for camping showers, it pretty much just continues to grow. It has hundreds of dollars in it and I don't know how I would feel if we ever cashed it in. Its like a savings account that I can't touch. I love my jar.

Wishing I would have been smarter

May 30th, 2012 at 07:41 pm

I started the job I have now a little over 4 years ago. Although I do accounting, I work in the oil & gas industry which was BOOMING 4 years ago. I didn't realize how overly good I had it back then, and I wish I would have been smarter back then. We used to get paid for 5 hours of overtime every week...we didn't have to work 5 hours extra, we just got paid for it!!!! During that boom, I should have been socking that money away or paying off debt, instead of increasing my expenses. I still love my job. We don't have that perk anymore, but it has so many others. But I wish I would have been a little wiser 4 years ago. Amazing how much you can grow in 4 years and how your priorities change.

Show me the money Dave Ramsey!

May 29th, 2012 at 03:17 pm

So I was on Dave Ramsey's website the other day, and I realized that they are giving away at least $1000.00 a day in a Home Improvement Giveaway. After taxes, its not a huge chunk of change, but it would would help towards our siding!!! And what do I have to lose? So show me the money Dave me the money.

No Match 401K

May 24th, 2012 at 03:37 pm

My work started a 401K program a little over a year ago. The only issue is that they do no match or make any contribution. It is just a way for us to do it on our own through them. I do not contribute very much because its just me socking money away. So I'm wondering if I should up my percentage or should I consider other options?

Busy Busy Busy

May 23rd, 2012 at 07:35 pm

So glad I have a long weekend coming up. I'm actually off Friday - Monday. Eventhough its a long weekend, I am hoping I can spend as little as possible. Saturday we are going to a event to promote the business. One of our vendors provided us with free tickets and passes, so we are only out gas and food. Plus it will be a great way to reach new customers. My in-laws are coming next weekend, so this will be a great opportunity to finish getting my house in shape. Maybe if I'm busy cleaning I won't spend money.

As a side note...with the Texas heat coming, I decided I really want to buy an above ground pool. So if I want it, I have to find extra money to pay for it. Its a want...not a necessity, but it would be a great summer activity for me, the husband, and the step daughter that we wouldn't have to pay much to enjoy. Part of me says...use that money and put it towards debt. Ugh....torn.

Comparing myself financially to others

May 7th, 2012 at 09:02 pm

When I first started blogging I wondered if financial habits were "hereditary." My mom has never been the best picture of financial fitness. But as the year has passed I have started to look at not only my mom, but other relatives and even friends. My father's family has always lived within their means and had money to show for it. They all owned properties or companies and had healthy savings. My mother, like I've said before, has no savings or home and is a spender. Her brothers, are the same way only worse. And recently I watched a friend take money out of retirement to pay bills and buy a car. So now her retirement is less, plus they will have to pay taxes, and I'm not if it solved the problem. Basically I am just trying to take pieces from all of these examples and realize that I can be like my father's family if I try. And I don't honestly feel like I have really been trying. Just going through the motions.

Small victories...

May 3rd, 2012 at 08:43 pm

Lately with our heavy upward swing in expenses I was glad to see some small victories. I got my $50 bonus on my new Sharebuilder account. Eventhough I can't withdraw it right now at least I know I have it. I also got news from my work that my medical insurance is going down! Since my husband started his own business we had to take insurance from my work. (Which I am thankful we can.) But it is going down $40 a week!!! So hopefully I can work that into debt repayment. And finally, I was able to start paying my husband a salary from the new business. So our funds won't be depleting anymore. (And yes our business funds are kept COMPLETELY separate from our household funds)

So small victories but I can't help but have a smile on my face.

Trying to make it all work

April 25th, 2012 at 03:20 pm

Money is all I can think about lately. I need money to work on our house. I need money to pay our bills. I need money to run our new business. I keep thinking, maybe I should get a second job. But I need time to do that and all my time goes into our business or our house and any extra goes to the family. So what do I do? Not sure what else I can cut out or do to make more room in the budget. I know things will get better at our shop....we are just putting profit into more product right now to build it up. And we are busy so I know its going good. I am just trying to make it all work.

Thoughts on Sharebuilder at ING?

February 28th, 2012 at 07:27 pm

So I am interested in investing, although I know nothing about how, when, what, etc. I have heard people talk about Sharebuilder at ING. Anyone have an opinion on it or know how it works? I have a 401K, but of course I don't do many changes to it. I am also looking for minimum investment. The floor is open people.....give me your thoughts!

1st Home Cooked Meal & New Towels

February 27th, 2012 at 06:52 pm

Last night I was finally able to cook a meal. It was nice. The kitchen is still a mess, but I can function. I've noticed that I am unpacking very slowly....

Then I bought new towels. Did we need new towels....not necessarily. But I did it. And I bought nice Eqyptian Cotton ones. Was that But I would like to think that they will last longer.

Oh....and we bought a POS system for our store. We were quoted $3100.00 for a new one with the operating computer. I found one that is a little over a year old with the computer and everything else, plus a label printer for $800.00!!!! Super excited about that.

But I've got to stay away from the spending.

Hard time being frugal

February 20th, 2012 at 08:02 pm

At this time in my life, I am having a hard time being frugal. We have this house, which has had many needed repairs. Husband broke the toilet, plumbing to dishwasher is wrong, damaged boards, 2 rooms of new carpet, etc. Although nothing major, $30.00 here, $50.00 there, $500.00 adds up. Then we also have our new business. Although we are trying to be dollar wise on equipment and displays and things like that, it adds up too. I did manage to find a lot of displays, our counters, and some other useful things at an office supply store that was going out of business. So we only paid $160.00 for everything! But I don't know how to save right now! I can't cook because our kitchen has been under we are eating out A LOT. I have to buy the stuff to repair the house. We have to buy stuff for the store, so we can have money coming in. So all I know to do is sit at home and unpack and only leave for work!

Produce thoughts

February 17th, 2012 at 04:17 pm

2 things have been on my mind in regards to produce. I know this doesn't sound like a financial issue, but it is. Last weekend at our new house, while walking in the front yard, I discovered turnips. Just right there next to our porch....lots of them. And it got me thinking. 1 - Can I eat these? and 2 - That means the soil must be good for growing...unless turnips are just easy to grow. So potentially I could have a pretty good garden and save money on produce at the store!

The other thing that was brought to our attention is becoming a garlic farmer/producer. It just requires 1 acre of land, but I don't know all the rules and other requirements. I am sure there is insurance and equipment and blah blah blah. But apparently there is some good money it. Maybe I could go from an accountant to a garlic farmer. Smile

Back and re-evaluating

February 16th, 2012 at 04:15 pm

I am back after a hiatus. A lot has happened. We bought a house. My husband quit his job and is opening a business. And we survived the holidays. But I have a lot to think about.

So we bought a house in the country. And when I say country I mean OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS, NO SUBDIVISION, NO STORE FOR 15-20 MILES COUNTRY. And although the new house will cut my commute down about 15-20 minutes, I think I will have to think about my processes and thought paths. Now I can't run down to the store for mile or trashbags! The store is only 15-20 minutes away, but its still not as close as it was. On a positive note, at least I can't just run up the street and do impulse shopping anymore!

2nd thing - Husband and New Business
I have the most faith in my husband, but I have to admit that it is scary. Its scary to go from financially secure to "hold on to your pants." But we do have the seed money for the store and money for our household expenses until the store is going. Hopefully we will be open next week!

But hopefully I can make some progress on paying off the debt and pursuing dreams and goals of my own. I am looking into ways to cut bills, coupon, and just live a more simple life. Can't wait.

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